Whole Concept Plan 1:3000@A2

The plan below depicts the sheer scale of the proposal with its numerous complicated and intricately articulated zones through to the vast areas of storage and working needed for such a project. It is clear that the upper tri-pronged star detaches and is the essence of the project, the base of the London Space Elevator.. 


The manoeuvring element contains a number of vital areas excluding the space elevator. It controls the movement through extremely advanced technologies, automated and in sync with nasa and leading space development programs with open source analytical astrological data.


The language of the design differs throughout the stationary port exploiting the exposition that would become the permanently stationary dock and attraction. These elements consist of a cargo port, pedestrian port, central hub and media centres, training facilities, hotel, both short and long stay accommodation, maintenance areas, cargo sorting areas, large security zones and an independent small line railway connecting of course to the main station on the platform. This station is an extension of the line through the village, now bustling and technologically driven town of Shoeburyness.